Info for students

This is information for students who are looking for my MA thesis supervision:

  • I do not offer ready-made topics. I consider finding a suitable topic to be part of the process of working on an MA thesis. You should think about a topic that you would like to work on. This includes formulating a research question (which is a sentence with a question mark at the end).
  • When you have found a topic (or even better, two or three), and only then, please contact me.
  • It is important to note that we at the Economics Department do not supervise pure literature reviews. There should definitely be a formal part to your thesis (where formal could mean e.g. theoretical/formal (not just verbal) modelling or statistical or econometric analysis of data). If you plan to work with data, make sure that you have access to the data you want to analyse. Of course, you may want to collect data yourself for your dissertation, for example in an experiment or an (online) survey.
  • Before I can even think about supervising your MA thesis, you need a topic, and I need to be sure that it is a suitable topic for an MA thesis (this is often a difficult process) and that I can be a competent supervisor for the topic. In order to make a decision, you will need to provide an exposé of your proposed MA research.
  • When you contact me about possible MA supervision, please mention the programme you are enrolled in and whether you have taken any of my courses (and if so, which ones and in which year).